IWM Consultants
Farah Binte Rahman
Junior GIS Analyst ICT, GIS & Remote Sensing Division (ICT)Email: bte@iwmbd.org
Mobile: 01796584099
Fabia Islam Roktim
Probationary Junior Engineer Water Supply, Sanitation and Urban Water Management (WSU)Email: fik@iwmbd.org
Mobile: 01757672308
Wasifa Nourin
Junior Engineer River Morphology and Engineering (RME)Email: nrn@iwmbd.org
Mobile: 01816698446
Sanzida Akter
Junior Irrigation Engineer Irrigation, Groundwater & Wetland Management (IGW)Email: zas@iwmbd.org
Mobile: 01558016904
Ashikur Rahman Simon
Junior Engineer Water Supply, Sanitation and Urban Water Management (WSU)Email: rmn@iwmbd.org
Mobile: 01922757410
Shamoeta Zaman
Junior Engineer Research, Innovation & Development (RID)Email: shz@iwmbd.org
Md. Masum Hoque
Junior Engineer Coast, Port and Inland Water Ways Management (CPI)Email: hqu@iwmbd.org
Mobile: 01923783699
Mohammad Rakibul Islam
Junior Engineer Survey and Data Division (SDT)Email: rkb@iwmbd.org
Mobile: 01515213081
Mostazer Billah
Junior Engineer River Morphology and Engineering (RME)Email: bil@iwmbd.org
Mobile: 01726208765
Khondoker Mahbube Alam
Junior Water Resource Engineer Water Supply, Sanitation and Urban Water Management (WSU)Email: kmm@iwmbd.org
Mobile: 01711106001
Md. Fakhrul Alam Bhuiyan
Field/ Junior Engineer Water Supply, Sanitation and Urban Water Management (WSU)Email: fab@iwmbd.org
Mobile: 01716480296