Profile of Md. Abdulla Hel Kafi

Name | Md. Abdulla Hel Kafi |
Division | Research, Innovation & Development (RID) |
Designation | Head, RID |
Phone | 55087611-4 Ext. 643 |
Mobile | 01915-494677, 01841-930092 | |
Academic Chronology
Mr. Kafi graduated in 2013 with an M. Engg. (WEM) from Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand. And an M. Sc. in Hydroprotech from Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis in France. In February 2003, he graduated from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) with a B. Sc. Engg. (WRE).
Professional Track Record
Mr. Md. Abdulla Hel Kafi is the Head of Research, Innovation and Development (RID) Unit of Institute of Water Modelling (IWM), Bangladesh. Since November 2005, he has been employed at the Institute IWM. As a Water Resources Engineer, Mr. Kafi started employment at Natural Resources Planners Limited in March 2003 and stayed there until June 2004. From July 2004 till November 2005, he was employed as a junior engineer (water resources engineer) for Bongo Dynamic Consultant Limited. His working experience encompasses the planning and management of water resource development and management projects and research work.
Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.
Mr. Kafi is a life Fellow of Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (FIEB, 11309) and member of professional bodies such as ASCE (M. ASCE, 10214649), IAHS (MIAHS, 14945) and AITAA (BG006DEC2013). He attended several workshop, seminar and conference both in country and abroad. Mr. Kafi participated in several training program both as trainee and trainer.
Publication in Journal:
- Kafi, M. A. H. and Babel, M. S. (2022). A DPSIR conceptual framework for index-base flood risk assessment case study: riverine flood in Sirajganj, Bangladesh. Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 50(2), 43-58,.
- López, P.L., Sultana, T., Kafi, M.A.H., Hossain, M. S., Khan, A. S. & Masud, M. S. (2020). Evaluation of global water resources reanalysis data for estimating flood events in the Brahmaputra river basin. International Journal of Water Resources Management,
- Kafi, M. A. H., Sultana, T., Hossain, M. S., Masud, M. S. & Khan, A. S. (2019). Evaluation of the satellite-based and reanalysis-based rainfall for the data poor region in assessing basin level water resources: a case study on the Brahmaputra river basin. Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 47(1), 1-14,
- Kafi, M. A. H., Hossain, M. S., Chowdhury, A. K., Islam, M. T. & Masud, M. S. (2018). Assessment of long-term evolution of morphodynamics of the Kalni-Kushiyara river system in Bangladesh using one dimensional morphological model. Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 46(1), 21-30,
- Anowar, M. M., Parveen, A., Ferdous, M. Z., Kafi, A. H. & Kabir, M. E. (2015). Base line survey for farmer livelihood improvement at farming system research and development, Lahirirhat, Rangpur. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 2(1), 92-104. DOI: 10.18801/ijbmsr.020115.10
- Islam, M. T., Baki, A. B. M., Hossain, M. M., Mahalder, B., Kafi, M. A. H. & Begum, P. (2009). An assessment of carrying capacity of Dhaleshwari river using HEC-RAS model. Dhaka University Journal of Science, 57(1), 47-50.
Publication in Conference:
- Kafi, M. A. H., Islam, M. A., Rahman, S. M. M., Fuad, M. I. M., Zaman, S. (2023). Assessment of drinking water resources in the selected coastal polders of Bangladesh. 9th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2023), October 14-16, 2023, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Kafi, M. A. H., Islam, M. A., Masud, M. S., Rahman, S. M. M., Hossain, A., Bhuiyan, M. S. H., Hassan, S. M. Q., Mallik, M. A. K. (2023). Research on two-stage hydro-meteorological pre-monsoon flash flood forecast over north-east haor region of Bangladesh. 9th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2023), October 14-16, 2023, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Ferdous, S. M., Kafi, M. A. H., Kamal, A. H. M., Rahman, S. M. M., Alam, S. (2023). Assessment of future agricultural drought in the northwest region of Bangladesh. 9th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2023), October 14-16, 2023, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Noor, F., Chowdhury, S., Islam, M. A., Kafi, M. A. H., Jahan, S. (2021). Effectiveness of river training works through mathematical modelling: a case study of bank erosion at Naria Upazila. 3rd International Conference on Planning, Architecture & Civil Engineering (ICPACE 2021), September 9-11, 2021, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
- Islam, M. A., Chowdhury, S., Kafi, M. A. H., Hossain, A. F. M. A. (2021). Overview of hydro-geological and groundwater quality parameters of north east and north central regions of Bangladesh. 3rd International Conference on Planning, Architecture & Civil Engineering (ICPACE 2021), September 9-11, 2021, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
- Chowdhury, S., Islam, M. A., Noor, F., Kafi, M. A. H., Jahan, S. (2021). Analysis of morphological changes of the Padma River, Mawa Reach. 8th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2021), March 29-31, 2021, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Khan A. H., Kafi M. A. H., Khaled S. M. & Hossain M. M. A. (2020). Application of machine learning algorithms for local level flood prediction: a simplest way of likelihood predictive model of monsoon river flood. In: Haque A., Chowdhury A. (eds) Water, Flood Management and Water Security Under a Changing Climate. Springer, Cham.
- Mazumder, L. C., Kafi, M. A. H., Rana, M. A. H. & Masud, M. S. (2019). Application of quasi-2D hydraulic model for the local level flood and drainage management in a growing industrial area near the foot hills. International Conference on Water and Environmental Engineering (iCWEE2019), 19-22 January 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Hossain, M. M., Masud, M. S., Kafi, M. A. H., Magumdar, T. K. & Hossain, M. S. (2018). Impact of future infrastructure and climate change in water availability in Brahmaputra basin. China, South and Southeast Asian Conference on Environmental and Ecological Risk Management, 28-29 September 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh organized by Faculty of Earth and Environment Sciences, University of Dhaka and Yunan University, China.
- Khan, A. S., Masud, M. S., Kafi, M. A. H., Sultana, T., & Lopez, P. L. (2017). Comparison and evaluation of satellite and reanalysis based precipitation products for water resources management in the Brahmaputra river basin. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2017, 23-28 April 2017, Vienna, Austria.
- Badshah, M. A. H., Kafi, M. A. H., Islam, M. Z. & Islam, T. (2016). Analysis of the trends in temperature and precipitation variables for Sylhet city of Bangladesh using RClimDex toolkit. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2016), 12-14 February 2016, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh.
- Hossain, M. S., Pk., S., Kafi, M. A. H., Mazumder, L. C., Sultana, T. & Biswas, N. K. (2015). Application of mathematical modeling technique to improve flood control, drainage and irrigation facilities of Shariatpur district, Bangladesh.” 5th International Conference on Water & Flood Management 6-8 March 2015, IWFM, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Pk., S., Kafi, M. A. H., Hossain, M. S. & Chowdhury, A. K. (2014). Arsenic contamination of groundwater in Bangladesh: a case study in Brahmanbaria district. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, 26-28 December 2014, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Chittagong-4349, Bangladesh.
Major Project Assignment
- Evaluation of Natural Biological Water Quality Enhancement at the Intersection of Intake Channel and Ponding Area for Goranchatbari Retention Pond
- Assessment of the Potential Impact on Bird and Bat Species due to the Proposed Wind Turbine along the Coast of Bangladesh: A Case Study on Kutubdia of Coxsbazar and Char Fasson of Bhola
- Overview of Available Drought Indices and Assessment of Meteorological & Agricultural Drought in the North-West Region of Bangladesh
- Assessment of Sustainable Potable Water Sources in the Selected Coastal Polders P-29 at Dumuria of Khulna and P-40/1 at Patharghata of Barguna in Bangladesh
- Research on Two-stage Hydro-Meteorological Pre-Monsoon Flash Flood Forecast over North-East Haor Region of Bangladesh
- Assessment of Effectiveness of Bank Protection Works/ River Training Works Suggested by BWDB through Mathematical Modelling of the Padma River at Naria of Shariatpur District to Combat Bank Erosion
- Modelling Study and Statistical Analysis for Determination of Hydrological Parameters at Selected Locations on the Rivers
- Hydrological Study for a Water Reservoir Construction to Supply Water to the GPH Ispat Limited, Sitakunda, Chittagong
- Flood and Drainage Management Study at BSRM plots, Mirsharai, Chittagong
- Future Plan Study for Identification of Future Measures in connection to the ongoing West Gopalganj Integrated Water Management Project
- EU-Global Earth Observation for Integrated Water Resources Assessment (eartH2Observe)
- Mathematical Modelling and Topographic Survey under Consultancy Services for Management, Design, Supervision and other Related Services of Haor Flood Management and Livelihood Improvement Project (BWDB Part)
- Flood Hydrology Study of the Eastern Part of Dhaka Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh
- Support services on mathematical modelling for Bangladesh side of the India-Bangladesh joint study team for joint study on proposed Tipaimukh hydro-electric (multipurpose) project of India
- Development of water management model for Selangor and Langat River Basin of Malaysia using MIKE Basin
- Establishment of Regional Flood Information system under HKH-HYCOS of ICIMOD
- Assess the impacts of 40 acres land filling from BWDB retention ponding area at Digun mouza near Uttara Ph-3
- Flood Forecasting Model Development for Upper Chao Phraya River Basin in Thailand
- Mathematical Modelling Study of Sureswar Flood Control, Drainage and Irrigation Project
- Water Resources Development Project in SW Region under JICA
- Khatlon Province Flood Risk Management Project in Tajikistan
- Update of Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre (FFWC) Super Model for 2007
- Hydrological Modelling for Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture