Profile of Dr. Mollah. Md. Awlad Hossain

Name | Dr. Mollah. Md. Awlad Hossain |
Division | ICT, GIS & Remote Sensing Division (ICT) |
Designation | Director, ICT, GIS & RS Division |
Phone | 55087611-4, Ext-129 |
Mobile | 01841-930009 | |
Dr. Awlad has over 30 years of experiences in the field of development and applying ICT, GIS, Database and Web based solutions water resources, land, agriculture, climate change, infrastructure management, disaster management etc.
Web GIS using Open Source applications. One week training at ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2014 Satellite based Rainfall Estimation using RFE2, organized by ICIMOD in Kathmandu, conducted by NOAA and USGS in July 2006 Use of GIS and RS in water resource management, organized by EMIN in AIT Bangkok, Conducted by AIT and Georgia tech University River Modelling conducted by IWFM-BUET Training on Remote Sensing data analysis using ERDAS Imagine software organized by CEGIS Training on Spatial Analysis using ESRI Spatial Analyst Training coarse on Database concept and ArcView GIS, conducted by Engineers Institute, Bangladesh Training on GIS using TNT mips GIS software. Database management system using Oracle, MS-Access, and Visual Basic from APTECH Computer Education as part of Software engineering. A project based training course on Geographical Information System (GIS) using PC ARC/Info software. Training on Database Management System and Groundwater Modelling from Mott McDonald. Training course on Networking System using Windows NT conducted by CST Computer Section.