Profile of Abdullah Al Mamun

Name | Abdullah Al Mamun |
Division | ICT, GIS & Remote Sensing Division (ICT) |
Designation | Junior GIS/RS Analyst |
Phone | 55087611-4 Ext. 353 |
Mobile | | |
Academic Chronology
Abdullah Al Mamun has completed his bachelor in Urban & Regional Planning from KUET (2016). He completed an M. Sc. in GIS for Environment and Development from the Jahangirnagar University.
Professional Track Record
- From August 2016 to April 2020, he worked as Urban Planner/ Associate Geomatic Specialist in Arc Bangladesh Ltd.
- From May 2020 to till date he has been involved as GIS Associate in the ICT-GIS Division, IWM.
Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.
Training- A professional training program (29th January to 1st February 2020) on UAV operation.
- Member, Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP), Membership No: M 1233.
Major Project Assignment
- Implementation support service to BWDB (Bangladesh Water Development Board) Taskforce during 2021-2022. Worked as GIS Associate
- Site Specific Plan (SSP) and ODK Development under Sustainable Forest & Livelihoods (SUFAL) Projects. Worked as GIS Associate
- Dhaka Water Supply Network Improvement Project. DMA 701- DMA 707. Worked as Photogrammetry Expert
- Upgradation of Gopalganj Master Plan. Worked as GIS Associate
- GIS Based Property and Infrastructure Asset Management Systems (GISPIAMS). Worked as GIS Associate
- Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas. Worked as GIS Associate
- Feasibility Study for Construction of Circular Rail line around Dhaka City. Worked as Photogrammetry Expert