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Profile of Md. Al- Amin



Name Md. Al- Amin
Division Water Supply, Sanitation and Urban Water Management (WSU)
Designation Junior Specialist
Phone 55087611-4 Ext. 361


Academic Chronology

Mr. Md. Al-Amin completed his graduation in Civil Engineering from Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET) in 2000 and now continuing his M.Sc Engineering in Water Resource Development in BUET.

Professional Track Record

Md. Al-Amin is working as Junior Specialist in the Survey and Data Division under Institute of Water Modelling (IWM). He launched his professional career with IWM since August 2001. He is widely experienced in carrying out satellite based hydro-morphological and topographic survey data collection and processing using state-of-the-art technology. He played key role in carrying out survey campaign for a number of national projects. He received training in satellite based survey technique, survey software HYDROpro, one and two-dimensional mathematical modeling and Geographic Information System (GIS) at home. He started work with Updating and Validation of General Model and Six Regional Models project. Presently he is engaged Drainage and Sedimentation Study of Noler Char and Char Nangulia using Mathematical Modelling for Char Development and Settlement Project-III (CDSP-III).

Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.

Mr. Md. Al-Amin is a member of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) and his membership no. is M/19920. He has participated in a number of Training program arranged by IWM both as a trainee and trainer. He also took part in few workshop, seminar and users conference.

Major Project Assignment

  • Geo-Referencing of River Cross-section Pillars of BWDB
  • Khulna-Jessore Drainage Rehabilitation project (KJDRP)
  • Jamuna-Bangali Unification Study and River Bank Protection project
  • Kapataksha River Re-excavation project
  • Haor Rehabilitation project
  • Chowkirghat-Gabtali-Dhunot Road link and Joysing Bridge project
  • Survey for Hydraulic Design of Bridge on Ichamoti River
  • Horindhara-Ulia Bank protection at Left Bank of Jamuna
  • Feasibility Study for Flood Control Embankment and River Bank Protection on the Left Bank of Jamuna and Right Bank of Dhaleshwari at Nagarpur and Chauhali project
  • Feasibility Study of Chalan Beel Area project and Chatmohor-Handial-Hamkura Road project
  • Survey for IWRM of Chalan Beel Project
  • Kurigram Irrigation Project (North & South Unit)
  • Jamuna Right Bank Erosion Protection Project at Gaibandha
  • Survey for Integrated Planning for Sustainable Water Resources Management
  • Jamuna Bridge Monitoring (2008 & 2009)