Profile of Farhana Akhter Kamal

Name | Farhana Akhter Kamal |
Division | Coast, Port and Inland Water Ways Management (CPI) |
Designation | Senior Specialist |
Phone | 55087611-4, Ext.461 |
Mobile | | |
Academic Chronology
Ms. Farhana graduated in Civil Engineering from BUET in 2004 and obtained M. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering with specialization in Water Resources Engineering from Calgary, Canada in 2008.
Professional Track Record
Farhana Akhter Kamal started her career as Junior Environmental Engineer with BUET Team of Consultants and then joined IWM as Junior Engineer in 2004. Thereafter, she has been contributing in various projects and involved in surveying and data processing and analysis, hydrological and drainage modelling, salinity and water quality modelling, morphological modelling, storm surge and wave modelling, climate change prediction, environmental and social investigation and so on. She worked in numerous research, feasibility and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies in the fields of coastal erosion prediction and land reclamation, simulation of salinity intrusion and assessment of freshwater availability, integrated water management for agricultural and aquacultural development, planning of dredging and navigability improvement, port and navigation planning, classification of inland waterways and so on. She has led a number of projects and supervised study team and contributed in report writing, presentations and stakeholder consultations and disclosure.
Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.
Ms. Farhana participated in a training course on Water Management, Project Planning and Career Development and Management Internship at Danish Hydraulic Institute, Denmark. She also received professional trainings in Bangladesh on various modelling tools, GIS, Theory of Change, Adaptive Delta Management and Design and so on. She has several research publications on land reclamation, salinity intrusion, integrated water management and so on.
Major Project Assignment
- Determination of Standard High Water Level (SHWL) and Standard Low Water Level (SLWL) and Reclassification of Inland Waterways in Bangladesh
- Long Term Monitoring, Research and Analysis of Bangladesh Coastal Zone
- Feasibility study for construction of walkway, Eco-park and other allied infrastructure on the foreshore and waste removal from river bed and along the circular waterways of Dhaka City
- Feasibility Study for Restoration of Sangu and Matamuhuri River Basin including ESIA
- Feasibility Study for Development of Ferry Ghats at Sariakandi, Bogura and at Madarganj, Jamalpur for introducing ferry service between those places
- Go with the Flow under Joint Cooperation Programme Bangladesh – The Netherlands
- Pathways of scaling agricultural innovations for sustainable intensification in polders
- ESIA Study for Extension of Runway at Cox’s Bazar Airport
- EIA for Land Development at Moheshkhali Island by Dredging for Land Based L.N.G. Terminal
- Feasibility and ESIA Study for Improvement of the Navigability of Pussur Channel at Outer Bar
- Monitoring of Dredging i/c Hydrological & Morphological Impact by Modelling for Payra Port
- Salinity Intrusion in Coastal Zone of Bangladesh Due to Climate Change
- Ganges Basin Development Challenge under CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food
- Hydrodynamic & Morphological Investigations under Estuary Development Program (EDP)