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Profile of Ahmad Salman Haider



Name Ahmad Salman Haider
Division Water Supply, Sanitation and Urban Water Management (WSU)
Designation Associate Specialist
Phone 55087611-4, Ext. 622
Mobile 01717558363


Academic Chronology

Mr. Ahmad Salman Haider graduated in Water Resources Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2012 and obtained Masters in Environmental Engineering from The University of Melbourne (UniMelb), Australia in 2018. He also obtained his Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) from Institute of Business Administration (IBA), The University of Dhaka in 2020.

Professional Track Record

Since joining at IWM in 2012, Mr. Haider has been working in the field of environmental analysis and water resources management. He has worked in several projects containing hydrological and hydraulic modelling and data analysis, climate change impacts assessment, water availability and integrated water resources management, Urban water supply and water management etc.

Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.

  • Comprehensive DHI Training Package including eight modelling courses covering Urban Drainage, Water Distribution Networks, Urban Integrated Flooding, Seawater Intrusion, Sediment Transport & Morphology in Rivers, Water Quality, Morphology on Coastlines, Advanced 3D HD using Mike+, FEFLOW, Mike 21C, Mike ECO Lab, LPFM, Mike 21 SM FM & Mike 3 Flow FM, Conducted Online from Denmark by The Academy, DHI.
  • Training on “Computational Hydraulics, River Hydraulics, Hydraulic Structures, Hydrology, Stochastic Hydrology, and Coastal Engineering” conducted by Department of Water Resources Engineering, BUET
  • Training Course on Business Communication conducted by the British Council.
  • Emerging Water Professional Program (EWPP) by International River Foundation (IRF), Brisbane, Australia.
  • Training on Basic ArcGIS conducted by IWM
  • Training Course on MIKE 11: Hydrodynamic and Rainfall Runoff Module." conducted by IWM
  • Training Course on Intermediate Level Excel" conducted by IWM
  • Training on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Hydraulics" by IWM
  • Training on "Surface & Groundwater Quality, Monitoring & Analyses" by IWM
  • Training on “Monitoring and Quality Control of Hydrological Data Collection” conducted by IWM
  • Haider A.S, Zaman A.M, Rahman SMM “Rainfall Trend and Dry Spells Analysis for Kalihati Station, Tangail” at International conference on Climate Change in relation to Water and Environment (I3CWE-2015), DUET, Gazipur on April 9, 2015.
  • A.M. Zaman, M.K. Molla, I.A. Pervin, S.M. Mahbubur Rahman, A.S. Haider, F. Ludwig, W. Franssen “Impacts on river systems under 2oC warming Bangladesh Case Study.” (2016),
  • Member, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (M-40552)
  • Life Member, BUET Alumni Association Life Member, Australia Alumni Association -Bangladesh
  • Member, International Association of Hydrological Sciences
  • Member, Australia Global Alumni

Major Project Assignment

  • Planning of water distribution system, water demand and water balance calculation, hydraulic model design and design report writing.
  • Model and Detail Design, Post Construction Modelling of DMAs of ADB funded projects of ICB 2.09 and 2.10 Packages
  • Preparation of Water Management Plan for Active Water Management area of certain Upazilas of Naogoan and Khulna Districts.
  • Hydrodynamic Model Setup to evaluate the connectivity of major rivers with the Charan Beel (Bangladesh) and Deeper Beel (Assam, India) for different climate change scenarios.
  • Upazila wise analysis for water surplus and deficit and estimate the overall water state for the districts.
  • Setting up previously calibrated model Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) basin model for various climate change scenarios and what if Analysis.
  • Collection and Processing of Water Level and Rainfall Data.
  • Field Visit to Collect Water Samples for Water Quality Testing.
  • Project Planning and Resources management
  • Meeting and follow up with clients for timely submission of project works.
  • Supervising and internal training of resources for smooth project works and resources development.