Academic Chronology
Engr Md Humayun Karim obtained Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from CUET(erstwhile Chittagong Engineering College) in 1984.
Professional Track Record
Engr. Karim has 24 years experience in Modelling, Consultancy, Research and Teaching in different countries like Denmark, Singapore and Bangladesh. He is a fellow of Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh(IEB) and member of Bangladesh Computer Society (BCS).
Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.
Engr. Karim has participated in lot of trainings as resource person as well as trainee in country and outside of Bangladesh. He participated in a number of trainings, seminars and workshops. In some of them he was resource personnel.
Major Project Assignment
- Mathematical Modelling for North East Region Model
- Cammand Area Development: MDIP & PIRDP
- Shagorkhali Borobeela Drainage Modelling
- Fourth Water Supply Project
- National Water Management Plan
- Topographic Survey and Detail Drainage planning of KJDRP
- Detail River Engineering of JMB
- Hydrographic survey and dredging monitoring of GRRP
- Water resources analyses for Khulna city dwellers
- Drainage master plan study of Dhaka city and DND area
- Urban drainage and sanitation project of CARE SHAHAR project
- Water supply project of DWASA
- Water supply project of CWASA
- Survey and modelling for River Bank Protection project
- Assessment of pollutant load on the peripheral river of Dhaka city
- Ganges navigability study project
- Survey for OGDA project
- Modelling, hydrographic and dredging monitoring of Kapotakkho river
- Hydrographic survey for Lalon shah bridge, Rupsa bridge, Bhairab bridge etc
- Buriganga Flow Augmentation Project
- Drainage study for road embankment of RHD: RRMP-I and RRMP-II
- Detail Engineering for Bridge and culvert project of RHD
- Numerical model study of GK project
- High rise building construction supervision