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Profile of Lipi Banik



Name Lipi Banik
Division ICT, GIS & Remote Sensing Division (ICT)
Designation Junior GIS/RS Analyst
Phone 55087611-4 Ext. 240


Academic Chronology

Ms. Lipi Banik did her diploma in electronics engineering from Mohila polytechnic institute in 1993.

Professional Track Record

Ms. Banik has an extensive professional career of 16 years in the application field of GIS. She has been performing as Jr. GIS Specialist since 2008. She joined IWM in April 1995 and was involved in various water resources projects in Bangladesh where she used GIS and remote sensing application for day to day work as well as projects requirements. She has intensively created and used DEM, contour, flood depth analysis, topographic mapping etc. She is well conversant with image geo-rectification and classification and other topographic information. Ms. Banik has familiar with customization of ArcView 3.2 and its application. She has working knowledge about ArcGIS 9x with its different extensions.

Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.

Ms. Lipi Banik has attended a number of national training programmes, seminar and conferences.

Major Project Assignment

  • Drainage and Irrigation Improvement Study of Beel Gazna and Adjoining Areas of Pabna District
  • Scheme Information Management System for WMIP
  • Mathematical Modelling Study of Sureswar FCDI Project
  • Groundwater Resource Study for 8 Districts of Rajshahi Division, BMDA Phase 2
  • Geothermal Resource Exploration
  • Feasibility Study for the coastal Embankment improvement Project
  • CDMP: Preparation of Tsunami and storm surge risk map
  • Kurigram Irrigation Project ( north and South)
  • Indian River Link Project
  • Sub Project of Impact Assessment of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise on Monsoon Flooding.