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Profile of Mohammod Samiun Nabi



Name Mohammod Samiun Nabi
Division Strategic Planning & Business Development Unit (SPB)
Designation Head, SPB
Mobile 01711489961


Academic Chronology

Mr. M. SAMIUN NABI is a Senior Specialist and works as the Head, Strategic Planning & Business unit of IWM. He joined IWM in January 2012. He graduated in Urban and Regional Planning from BUET in 2004. Later he completed an MBA from Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Dhaka University in 2009. He studied at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia and completed the course on “Strengthening Water Security and Cooperation in South Asia: Integrated Water Resources Management” in 2018. Currently he is enrolled in Frankfurt School of Finance and Management of Germany for the course titled, “Certified Expert in Climate and Renewable Energy Finance”, to be completed in April 2024.

Professional Track Record

Mr Nabi possesses more than 20 years of multi-disciplinary experience in different projects of WB, ADB, FAO, GIZ, JICA, BWDB, LGED, DPHE, DWASA in Climate Adaptation & Mitigation, ADAPTIVE DELTA PLAN, Urban Planning & Urban Hydrology, Drainage Master Plan, Water Supply, Sanitation & Utility Network Planning, Traffic & Transportation Planning, Pro-Poor & Poverty Reduction & Economic Activity Analysis, etc. He received comprehensive trainings on Water Resources Planning using Satellite Imagery Analysis & Remote Sensing from IWFM, BUET; He got training on RTK-GPS & GIS Data Analysis using GNSS Solutions from Singapore. Besides, he also has specialized training in Business Outreach and Procurement in World Bank Financed Projects from WB Dhaka Office and training on Implementing ISO 9001 Quality Management System from BIM. He has several publications on Urban and Regional Development and has participated in different international and national conferences and seminars. He has profound experience in software ARCGIS, GNSS, ILWIS, ERDAS IMAGINE, SPSS, HTML, MS OFFICE, VBSCRIPT, ASP, .NET, C++.

Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.

Mr. Nabi has participated in lot of trainings as resource person as well as trainee in country and outside of Bangladesh. He has more than 10 publications both in domestic and international journals/seminars/conferences. He participated in a, seminars, and workshops. In some of them he was resource personnel. He is a widely travelled person and has a number of national & international publications. He was one of the members of editorial board of Bangladesh Country Program, UN HABITAT. Mr. Nabi was also a member of the editorial board of Bangladesh Country Programme for Green and Climate Resilient Development 2024-2027. He is a RAJUK certified Professional (ID: LDR-021).

Major Project Assignment

  • Working as a Team Member for the ADB funded Project, titled, “Supporting Water Supply and Sanitation Regulatory Mechanism Development.”
  • Working as Delta Policy Expert in the WB project titled, “Support to Accelerate the BDP2100 Implementation” and assist in Development of Delta Framework considering national and international climate policies aspect.
  • Working as Climate Expert in the WB Project titled, “Development Environment Endowment Fund Manual and Investment Policy”.
  • Working as Climate Adaptation Expert in Technical Upgrade of Green Climate Fund (GCF) Country Program of Bangladesh, to prepare the report titled” Bangladesh Country Programme for Green and Climate Resilient Development 2024-2027” focusing on identification of climate vulnerable regions in urban and rural areas with ERD, MOF and FAO.
  • Worked as an Urban Expert in Coxs Bazar Airport Runway Extension Project by CAAB, Bangladesh to facilitate team leader with different pollution indicators (noise, heat, air quality etc) from planning perspective.
  • Worked as an Urban Development Specialist in the project of Master Plan Preparation for Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University (BSMRMU) Permanent Campus at Chattogram.