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Profile of Md. Monirul Islam



Name Md. Monirul Islam
Division Irrigation, Groundwater & Wetland Management (IGW)
Designation Senior Specialist
Phone 55087611-4, Ext: 128


Academic Chronology

Md. Monirul Islam completed Masters of Engineering in Water Resources Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Bangladesh in 2011 with great distinction in dissertation entitled "Technical Feasibility of Sediment Management Options of Beel Baruna in Jessore Area" and obtained Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET) in 1998.

Professional Track Record

Md. Monirul Islam has 15 years of professional experience in the field of Groundwater Modelling, Irrigation and Drainage Management, Hydrological and Hydrogeological Analysis, Hydraulic Structure, Embankment and Bank Protection Work Design etc. He received specialized training on Groundwater and Surface Water Modelling using MIKE SHE, MIKE 11, FEFLOW, MODFLOW and GIS. Mr. Islam started his professional carreer in January 1999 as an Assistant Engineer at Bangladesh Consultants Ltd (BCL) and then House of Consultants Ltd (HCL) and after then joined Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) in March 2011. Since then he has been extensively trained in Mathematical Modelling, Geographical Information System (GIS), Project Management, Client handling and now working as a groundwater modeller and is in the position as Associate Specialist (AS) in this Institute.

Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.

Mr. Islam is a Life Fellow of the Institute of Engineers (IEB), Bangladesh. His membership number is F-10721. He has participated a lot of trainings as resource person as well as trainee in country and outside of Bangladesh. He has publications both in national and international journals/seminars/conferences. He has participated a number of national and international seminars and workshops.

Major Project Assignment

  • Groundwater Resource Study and Interactive Information System (IIS) Development of Pabna, Sirajgonj, Bogra, Gaibandha, Rangpur, Kurigram, Nilphamari and Lalmonirhat Districts through Mathematical Model Study
  • Water Supply, Drainage and Sanitation in 148 Pourashavas
  • Water Modelling for Sungai Langat Basin (river and groundwater) for water abstraction studies of Megasteel
  • Drainage and Irrigation Improvement Study of Beel Gazner and Adjoining Areas of Pabna District
  • Feasibility Study of Integrated Water Management of Polder 34/2 in Bagerhat district
  • Topographic Survey, Detail Irrigation Planning and Design using Mathematical Modelling Technique for Kurigram Irrigation Project (North & South Unit)
  • Small Scale Water Resources Development Sector Project
  • Dhaka Integrated Flood Control Embankment cum Eastern Bypass Road Multipurpose Project
  • Southwest Road Network Development Project (SRNDP)
  • Flood Damage Restoration Project (FDRP) 1998