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Profile of Dr. Md. Rezaul Hasan



Name Dr. Md. Rezaul Hasan
Division Climate Change and Environment (CCE)
Designation Head, CCE
Phone 55087611-4 Ext. 638
Mobile 01841-930015


Academic Chronology

PhD in Water Resources Development with dissertation entitled "Groundwater Security in Coastal Peri-Urban Areas of South-West Bangladesh in the Context of Multi-Scalar Hydrological and Anthropogenic Processes” from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2022. Master of Engineering in Water Resource Engineering from BUET in 2001 and Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering from Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) in 1997.

Professional Track Record

Dr. Reza has more than twenty years of experience in the field of computational hydraulics, computational hydrogeology, irrigation and drainage management, and groundwater (GW) management focusing model development with application of different scenarios. He started his career as an Assistant General Manager in Dhaka Palli Bidyut Samity under Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board. He then worked as a Research Assistant in BUET-DUT Linkage Project for several years. The research project was jointly organized by BUET and TU-Delft, the Netherlands. He was involved in the development of physical model set up for applying waves on dyke slopes. As a Senior Specialist of IWM, he has been assigned as Team Leader, Project Leader as well as resource person for a number of important water resources projects in Bangladesh. One of these projects, national level study funded by the Climate Change Trust Fund, focused on the assessment of groundwater (GW) and surface water (SW) resources at two regions of coastal areas of Bangladesh. The main objectives of other studies included assessment of salinity extent in the coastal aquifer, zoning of GW salinity, assessment of state of GW and SW resources through PRA approach, mapping of GW vulnerability, impact evaluation of climate change on GW salinity, incremental agricultural production through surface water utilization, rehabilitation of Pabna irrigation project, and bank protection works of the Padma river.

Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.

Dr. Reza has been extensively trained in mathematical modelling on MIKE 11, MIKE SHE, FEFLOW and MODFLOW. He is also trained in the design of Water Control and River Training Works, Groundwater Management, Hydrometric Data Collection and Geographical Information System. He participated some training programmes as resource person as well as trainee. He is a life fellow of Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), member of Bangladesh Computer Society (BCS) and also member of Bangladesh Society of Agricultural Engineers (BSAE). He has technical publications both in national and international journals/seminars/conferences. He also attended a number of national and international workshops, seminars and conferences.

Major Project Assignment

  • Management of the Padma River Basin and Rehabilitation of Pabna Irrigation and Rural Development Project in Pabna District.
  • Saltwater Intrusion in Groundwater in the Coastal Area.
  • Establishment of Monitoring Network and Mathematical Model Study to Assess Salinity Intrusion in Groundwater in the Coastal Area of Bangladesh due to Climate Change (Package-1).
  • Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and baseline study of the state of water resources in the High Barind region.
  • Surface Water Resource Study in Northeastern Haor Areas under Survey and Monitoring Project of BADC for Development of Minor Irrigation, Phase-II.
  • Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar District Irrigation Development Project through Surface Water Utilization.
  • Assessment of State of Water Resources (Groundwater Component).
  • Groundwater Management and Feasibility Study for 148 Pourashavas (towns) under Mathematical Modeling for Safe Drinking Water Source Identification.
  • Opportunities of Water Saving and Cost Reduction in Irrigated Boro Rice.
  • Assessment of Variability of Seepage and Percolation Loss in Irrigated Rice.
  • Topographic Survey and Detail Irrigation planning of Kurigram Irrigation Project (South Unit).
  • Tubewell Spacing Study of Bangladesh.
  • Groundwater Management and Zoning Study for greater Dinajpur district.