Academic Chronology
Mr. Salah Uddin completed his graduation in Civil Engineering from CUET in September 2003. In 2009, Mr. Uddin finished his M.Sc. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). Mr. Uddin completed another M.Sc. in “Hydrogeology and Environmental Geoscience� from George August University of Goettingen, Germany under the IPSWaT scholarship.
Professional Track Record
Mr. Salah Uddin has over 6 years of professional experience in the field of Irrigation and Drainage Management, Groundwater Management and Groundwater Modelling, Hydrological and Hydrogeological data Analysis.
Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.
Mr. Salah Uddin received specialized training in Groundwater Management and Mathematical Modelling on MIKE SHE, MIKE 11, MODFLOW and FEFLOW. He also received training on “Planning and Design of Irrigation System�. Mr. Uddin is a member of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB).
Major Project Assignment
- KAFCO area groundwater assessment and Impact on Environment
- Conjunctive use potential of SW-GW for Malaysia
- Impact Assessment of the Proposed Indian River Linking Project for Inter Basin Water Transfer
- “ Study on Well Field Construction for Immediate Supplement to City Water Supply from nearby Groundwater Sources
- Deep Tubewell Installation Programme BMDA Unit-2, Thakurgaon
- Feasibility Study of IWRM of Challan Beel Area including Beel Halti development project
- Tubewell Spacing Study
- Dhaka Environmental Pollution Study
- Resource Assessment and Monitoring of Water Supply sources for Dhaka City