Profile of Md. Tarikul Islam

Name | Md. Tarikul Islam |
Division | Survey and Data Division (SDT) |
Designation | Director |
Phone | 55087611-4 Ext. 135 |
Mobile | 01191-628788, 01841-930014 | |
Academic Chronology
Mr. Islam completed his graduation of M.Engg. in Water Resources Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), in 2009. He completed his B.Sc. Engg. (Civil) from Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET) in 1998.
Professional Track Record
Mr. Islam has a professional experience of about 20 years in the field of computational hydraulics, computational hydrogeology, irrigation and drainage management, and groundwater (GW) management focusing model development with application of different scenarios. Mr. Islam started his career as Junior Engineer in Development Design Consultant (DDC) Ltd and work there from March to June 1999. He was involved for the Flood Damage Rehabilitation Project (FDRP) funded by ADB. He started his career in Institute of Water Modelling since 25th June 1999. From 1999 to 2002, he was involved with Survey and Data Division (SDT) and from 2003 to 2018, Mr. Islam worked in Irrigation Management Division (IRM). During his working period in SDT & IRM division, Mr. Islam worked for number of project at Project Leader/Team Leader. Presently, Mr. Islam is working as Head of Climate Change Cell (CCC) of IWM. His working experience encompasses planning and management of water resources development & management project and irrigation project, mathematical modelling in hydrology and hydrodynamics using MIKE SHE, FEE-FLOW and MIKE 11; processing and analysis of hydro-geological, hydrological and hydro-meteorological data under different projects; monitoring and supervision of hydrographic & topographic survey; hydrological and participatory planning involving questionnaire survey in sub-district, district & national level consultation, conduction of stakeholders consultation for decision making in small scale water resources development sector project using tools of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Semi Structure Interview (SSI), Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Key Informant Interview (KII), etc under different projects. He participated actively for report writing, presentations and workshops both in home and abroad under different important projects.
Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.
Mr. Islam has been extensively trained in mathematical modelling on MIKE 11, MIKE SHE, FEFLOW and MODFLOW. He is also trained in the design of Water Control and River Training Works, Groundwater Management, Hydrometric Data Collection and Geographical Information System. Mr. Islam is a life Fellow of Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (FIEB, F-10720). He has participated in lot of trainings both as resource person as well as trainee in country and outside of Bangladesh. He has 13 publications in international journals/seminars/conferences. In addition to his fluency in Bengali and English, he is very good in Arabic.
Publication in Journal:
- Islam, M.T., Islam, and Dr. Salehin, Mushfiqus, 2018: Water Resources Management for adapting impacts of water scarcity in Barind Area of Bangladesh. IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG), e-ISSN: 2321-0990, p-ISSN: 2321-0982, Volume 6, Issue 5 Ver. II (Sep.-Oct. 2018), PP 19-27,
- Islam, M.T., Islam, M. Monirul., and Hossain, M. Iquebal., 2015: Investigation of Groundwater Potential using Mathematical Model: A Case Study in Part of Northwest Region of Bangladesh. American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), e-ISSN: 2320-0847, p-ISSN: 2320-0936, Vol-4, Issue-5, pp-74-80.
- Islam, M.T., and Hossain, AFM Afzal., 2014: Sustainable Water Resources Management Through Mathematical Modelling for North West Region of Bangladesh. Technical Journal, River Research Institute (RRI), Faridpur, Bangladesh, ISSN 1606-9277, Vol-12, No-01, June 2014, Page-32-41.
- Islam, M.T., Prof. Dr. M Monowar and Hossain, AFM Afzal., 2014: Integrated Water Resources Management: A Case Study for Barind Area, Bangladesh. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 11, Issue 5 Ver. I (Sep-Oct. 2014), PP 01-08, DOI: 10.9790/1684-11510108,
- Islam, M.T., Masud, Md. Sohel and Hossain, AFM Afzal., 2014: Scope for Groundwater Development in North West Region of Bangladesh. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 11, Issue 3 Ver. VIII (May-Jun. 2014), PP 38-44, DOI: 10.9790/1684-11383844,
- Islam, M.T., et al, 2012: Assessment of Groundwater Potential and its Availability for Joypurhat, 1st International Conference on Advance in Civil Engineering 2012 (ICACE 2012), 12-14 December, 2012; AEE 039. Department of Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Chittagong, Bangladesh.
- Islam, M.T. and Mirjahan, Dr. M., 2010: "An Assessment of Barind Aquifer - Ganges River Interaction". Bangladesh Journal of Water Resources Research, BUET; ISSN: 1017-9186, Volume 22.
Publication in Conference:
- Uddin, M.S., Rahman, M.A., Islam, M.T., Hossain, A.F.M., 2012: Groundwater resource assessment towards sustainable agricultural production in Bangladesh - a case study in Natore district, In the international conference on "Cutting edge science & technologies towards food, health and environment "- IFSDAA 2012. September 2012. Goettingen, Germany.
- Islam, M.T., et al: "Integrated Water Resources Management to Mitigate the Impacts of Drought in Barind Area". North Bengal Drought Conference (NBDC) 2012 on Sharing Knowledge Combating Disaster. Organized by Dept. of Geology and Mining, Rajshahi University and CSRL Barandra Campaign Group, Rajshahi as Co-organizer.
- Islam, M.T.: "Application of Mathematical Modelling in HYSAWA Project" in the Seminar on Mathematical Modelling in Groundwater Based Irrigation, BMDA Conference Room, Rajshahi, 30 October, 2010.
- Islam, M.T., et al: "Improved Irrigation Management Using Mathematical Modelling and Case Study in BMDA Unit-II" in the Seminar on Mathematical Modelling in Groundwater Based Irrigation, BMDA Conference Room, Rajshahi, 30 October, 2010.
- Islam, M.T., et al: "GIS Application to the Groundwater Table Study of Barind Area" at International Conference on Water and Flood Management on 15-17th March, 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Major Project Assignment
- SDIP Phase II- Sustaining Groundwater Irrigation for Food Security in the Northwest Region of Bangladesh under CSIRO.
- Cropping System Intensification in the salt-affected Coastal Zones of Bangladesh and West Bengal, India under CSIRO.
- Training on Development of Groundwater Model for Linggi River Basin using MIKE SHE for NAHRIM, Malaysia.
- Training on Groundwater Modelling using MIKE SHE Software for NAHRIM, Malaysia.
- Detailed Feasibility Study with ESIA for Restoration of Water Resources around Baral River Basin under BWDB.
- Updating of KAFCO Area Groundwater Assessment and Impact on Environment under KAFCO.
- Groundwater Resource Study and Interactive Information System (IIS) Development of Pabna, Sirajgonj, Bogra, Gaibandha, Rangpur, Kurigram, Nilphamari and Lalmonirhat Districts through Mathematical Model Study under Barind Multipurpose Development Authority (BMDA).
- Strengthening BMDA's Capacity on Water Resources Management under Hygiene, Sanitation and Water Supply (HYSAWA) Fund.
- Groundwater Resource Study and DSS Development of Rajshahi, Naogaon, Chapai Nawabganj, Pabna and Natore Districts and also remaining Districts (exceptThakurgaon, Panchagarh, Dinajpur and Joypurhat Districts) of Rajshahi Division through Mathematical Model Study for Barind Integrated Area Development Project, Phase-III under Barind Multipurpose Development Authority (BMDA).
- Groundwater Resource Study and DSS Development of Thakurgaon, Panchagarh, Dinajpur, Joypurhat Districts and also Remaining Districts of Rajshahi Division Through Mathematical Model Study under Barind Multipurpose Development Authority (BMDA).
- Monitoring and Data processing.Preparation of different input files for MIKE-11, Analysis of Flood Forecasting Data.
- Topographic Survey and Detail Irrigation Planning using Mathematical Modelling Technique, Kurigram Irrigation Project (North Unit) under BWDB.
- Secondary Town Integrated Flood Protection Project, STIFPP-II.
- Groundwater Model Study for Deep Tubewell Installation Project in Barind Area under Barind Multipurpose Development Authority (BMDA).
- Groundwater Management and Zoning Study for Repair and Rehabilitation of DTW Project in greater Dinajpur District under BWDB.
- Calibration of Six Regulators on Teesta Main Canal under BWDB.
- Command Area Development of Teesta Barrage, Phase-I under BWDB.
- Updating and Validation of General Model and Six Regional Model under BWDB.
- Panka Narayanpur River Bank Protection Project under BWDB.
- Jamuna Multi-purpose bridge and River Bank Protection Project (JMBP) under BWDB.
- Flood Damage Rehabilitation Project (FDRP) funded by ADB under RHD.