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Profile of Rubayat Alam



Name Rubayat Alam
Division Coast, Port and Inland Water Ways Management (CPI)
Designation Director
Phone 55087611-4 Ext. 161
Mobile 01553113313


Academic Chronology

Mr. Rubayat did his M. Engg. in Coastal Engineering and Port Development from IHE, the Netherlands in 2003 and did his graduation in Civil Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology in 1993.

Professional Track Record

Mr. Rubayat has a long professional career of 14 years in river and costal hydraulics and morphology. As a Water Resource Engineer, he has developed his professional career in Institution of Water Modelling since 2004 and before joining in IWM worked in River Research Institute (RRI). At IWM he is responsible for Conducting pre-feasibility, feasibility study, implementing and monitoring studies for flood management, river engineering, coastal engineering, port development, navigation, inundation map for flooding, impact assessment of climate change. He is well capable of developing 1-D, 2-D hydraulic models (rainfall-runoff, hydrodynamic, salinity, heat-dispersion, oil-spill and storm surge). He is also responsible for hydrological analysis. He has to write report, make presentation and train to junior level engineers. He is capable of project management both technical & financial - human resource control, budget control, time control, attending progress meeting, quality control, proposal preparation, contract preparation. He also served in River Research Institute from 1995 to 2004 in developing and designing physical model.

Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.

Mr. Rubayat attended a number of national and international seminars and conferences. He also participated several national and international training programme conducted by DHI, Denmark, Engineering Staff College of India, IHE ,the Netherlands, IWM, BWDB, BUET etc.

Major Project Assignment

  • Mathematical Modelling for Feasibility Study of Pilot Program of Land Reclamation from Bay of Bengal by Engineering and Biological Interventions. BWDB
  • Sub-Regional Hydr-Morphological Study of Peripheral Rivers of Polders 22, 23,29,30,31 &32. IPSWAM, BWDB
  • Investigating the Impact of Relative Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Communities and their Livelihoods in Bangladesh, DFID
  • Model Study for Prediction of Thermal Discharge Diffusion of Proposed 360 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant At Haripur, Narayanganj, in association with DHI water & environment, Japan Bank for International cooperation(JBIC)
  • Feasibility study for Hatiya-Nijhum Dwip Cross Dam, BWDB
  • River and Coastal Hydraulic Study for the Sungai Langat navigation development,Zaaba,Malaysia
  • Hydrological Assessment for Selection of Site for Tata Urea-Ammonia at the out Fall of the Sangu River, TATA, INDIA Narayangonj Power Plant Hydraulic Modelling Study for proposed 360MW Combined Cycle
  • Monitoring of River Bank Protection of the Most Vulnerable Part at Tazumuddin Upazilla under Bhola District, BWDB
  • Hydraulic Modelling Study for Rehabilitation of Affected Seven High Risk Coastal Polders, BWDB Survey for Protection Work in Coastal Embankment Project Polder 30