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Profile of Shume Akhter



Name Shume Akhter
Division Coast, Port and Inland Water Ways Management (CPI)
Designation Senior Specialist
Phone 55087611-4 Ext. 133


Academic Chronology

Ms. Shume Akhter did her graduation in Water Resource Engineering from BUET in April 2003 and later completed M.Sc Engg (on River Morphology) in same University.

Professional Track Record

Ms. Shume Akhter has around 11 years’ experiences in the field of Water Resources Engineering. During her professional career at Institute of Water Modelling she has worked on Coastal and river morphology, dredging on river, hydrodynamic and hydraulic, and salinity intrusion in the coastal area. She is experienced in the data collection plan for morphological analysis of river and estuary, develop baseline condition of hydraulic and erosion process of the estuary and tidal river based on the data, model results and satellite imagery. She has worked on application of morphological model using MIKE FM for the developed options and different combination of options in order to improvement of navigation, planning & design of effective dredging alignment, assessment of capital & maintenance dredging volume, assessment of maintenance dredging volume and frequency, selection of suitable location for disposal of dredged spoils. Also in forecast of sedimentation and erosion of tidal rivers for short and medium term using mathematical modeling technique, land reclamation and selection appropriate locations for the cross-dam, determined design hydraulic parameters, prepared monitoring plan; she is contribution in report preparation too.

Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.

Ms. Shume Akhter has participated in lot of trainings as resource person as well as trainee in country of Bangladesh. She has attended a number of National and International Seminars and Conferences in country and aboard and has some publications to his credit on mathematical modelling.

Major Project Assignment

  • Assessment of potential effect of surface water withdrawal in the Delta region on water flow and salinity level considering various climate change scenarios
  • Formulation of Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100
  • Assessment of the Changes in the Landform and Geomorphology due to Sea Level Rise in the Sundarbans Ecology Critical Area
  • Detailed Feasibility Study for Navigation Improvement and Sustainable Water Management of Bhairab River Basin
  • Feasibility Study for Dredging (by dredger)of Khaprabhanga Chapalir Don river in Kalapara Upazila under Patuakhali district for Improvement of Navigabilityâ€Â�
  • Coastal Hydraulic Study and Survey to Support Seismic Survey of Chevron
  • Support to National Flood Forecasting and Warning Services in Bangladesh
  • Impact Assessment of the Proposed Indian River Linking Project for Inter Basin Water Transfer
  • Model Study for Prediction of Thermal Discharge Diffusion of Proposed 360 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant at Haripur, Narayanganj, in association with DHI water & environment;
  • Meghna Ghat Power Station phase 11-Thermal Plume Modelling in association with DHI;
  • Land Reclamation Project in Hatiya Nijhum-dwip;
  • Implementation Monitoring of River Bank Protection of the Most Vulnerable Part at Tazumuddin Upazilla under Bhola District;
  • Impact of Sea Level Rise on Land Use in The Coastal Area of Bangladesh;
  • Feasibility study of Hatia –Nijhum Dwip Cross Dam
  • Malaysian Sungai Langat Navigation Hydraulics Study.
  • Morphological Forecast During Monsoon for Monitoring and Disaster Prepardness for Erosion Protection of River Meghna at Chandpur