Profile of Md. Sakib Hossain Talukder

Name | Md. Sakib Hossain Talukder |
Division | Coast, Port and Inland Water Ways Management (CPI) |
Designation | Junior Engineer |
Phone | 880-2-55087611-4 |
Mobile | 01625740557 | |
Academic Chronology
Mr. Sakib graduated in Civil Engineering from Military Institute of Science & Technology (MIST), Dhaka in 2019.
Professional Track Record
Mr. Sakib began his career as a Junior Engineer with the Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) in 2019, where he has been involved in hydrodynamic modeling for various feasibility study projects related to flood control, drainage, and disaster management. His expertise extends to the design and analysis of hydraulic structures, including groynes, spurs, and bank protection works, using advanced tools like AutoCAD. In addition to his technical skills, he has been actively involved in data analysis, survey data processing, and the preparation of detailed maps. Mr. Sakib also conducts field workshops, meetings, and provides technical training at multiple locations, demonstrating a strong commitment to enhancing water resource management and disaster mitigation efforts.
- FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF SANDBARS IN THE PADMA RIVER, BANGLADESH. (2024). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 36(2), 33-49.
Keywords: Sandbar, Confluence, Padma River, Erosion, Deposition, Migration
- Islam, M. R., Hossain, M. I., Hossain, S., Faisal, F. A., Hasan, M., & Rahman, S. M. (2019, July). Potential of RAP as Aggregate Base and Subbase in the Context of Bangladesh. International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference 2019 (pp. 136-143). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers. DOI:10.1061/9780784482469.014
Keywords: RAP, CBR, Virgin Aggregate
Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.
Mr. Rahman has received training in Storm Surge Modeling, the Bangladesh Metamodel, Python programming, and the Super-Fast Inundation of Coasts (SFINCS) model. His research interests are diverse and include hydrodynamic modeling, GIS and remote sensing, coastal flooding and disaster resilience, as well as the application of machine learning techniques.
Major Project Assignment
- Hydrodynamic Modeller: Hydrological and Hydraulic Study for Integrated Water Resources Management & Development of Polder 73/1 (A+B) & 73/2 under Hatiya Upazila in Noakhali District
- Dredging Engineer: Supervision and Monitoring the performance of dredging, Morphological and Environmental Impacts, Detailed Design and Assessment of Effectiveness of Dredging for Restoration of dry season Flow, Improvement of Navigability and Flood Management of Four River Routes including Hydrographic and Bathymetric Survey Services.
- Technical Analyst: Preparation of Draft DPP including Feasibility Study for Upgradation of CDDL by constructing second Dry Dock including Associated Shipbuilding Infrastructure Project
- Data Analyst: Long term Monitoring, Research and Analysis of Bangladesh Coastal Zone
- Data Analyst: Mathematical Modelling Study for Erosion Mitigation of the Monpura Island under the Project “Rehabilitation of Coastal Embankment with Drainage Improvement & Bank Protection at Mujibnagar & Monpura of Bhola District (1st Phase)”
- Design and Hydraulic Engineer: Hydrological and Morphological Model Study for Integrated Development and Management of Naf River Estuary and Land Development of Shahparir Dwip
- Training Coordinator: Support to Implementation of Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100
- Training Coordinator: Joint Cooperation Programme Bangladesh – The Netherlands