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Profile of Sumit Kumar Saha



Name Sumit Kumar Saha
Division Irrigation, Groundwater & Wetland Management (IGW)
Designation Junior Engineer
Phone 55087611-4 Ext. 126
Mobile 01784896660


Academic Chronology

He completed his Bachelor of Science in Water Resources Engineering (WRE) from the Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) in February 2021 and is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering (WRE) at BUET.

Professional Track Record

Sumit Kumar Saha has built a professional background as a Junior Engineer at the Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) since January 2022, specializing in water resource management and hydrology. With a strong foundation in Water Resources Engineering, Sumit has played a crucial role in projects like assessing the effectiveness of rubber dams and developing groundwater models for better water management in Dhaka. His skills include field data collection, analysing hydrological and groundwater data, and designing water management systems. Sumit's contributions have been significant in promoting sustainable water management practices in areas such as the High Barind (Rajshahi, Naogaon, Chapainawabganj) and Barisal. His work is key to advancing efficient irrigation technologies, performing feasibility studies for water conservation, and implementing sustainable solutions, all of which are essential for improving water management practices in Bangladesh.

Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.

Sumit Kumar Saha has enhanced his expertise through training in mathematical modelling at the Institute of Water Modelling, and he has participated in prominent conferences both nationally and internationally.

Training Received:
  • Exposure Field Visit Training to gain practical knowledge about flood management of Haor areas in Kishoreganj district, (August 11, 2023)
  • Training Course on 1D-MIKE NAM and MIKE11 by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM), (July 17-19, 2022).
  • 8th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM-2021) organized by the Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh (March 29-31, 2021).
  • 5th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2020) organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Chattogram- 4349, Bangladesh, held Online (March 04-06, 2021).
  1. Saha, S.K., Ahmmed, R., Jahan, N. (2022). “Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation Using Remote Sensing: Comparison of Sebal and Metric Models” In: Tarekul Islam, G.M., Shampa, S., Chowdhury, A.I.A. (eds) Water Management: A View from Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Springer, Cham. DOI:
  2. S. K. Saha et al. (2021) “Impact of Structural interventions on River Bank Erosion-Accretion Rates of Teesta River using Remote Sensing Approach” in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering.

Major Project Assignment

  • 3D GW Modelling for TA 6675 BAN: Restoration of Waterbodies for Sustainable Water Management in Dhaka Watershed.
  • Assessment of the Present Irrigation Efficiency in different Agro-Ecological zone of Bangladesh.
  • Study for Assessment of the Effectiveness of Constructed/ to be Constructed Rubber Dams in Bangladesh.
  • Hydrology Study for the Khulna Water Supply Project Phase-2.
  • Groundwater Modelling for Dhaka City Emergency Water Supply.
  • Detail study on water resources availability and impact shallow and deep aquifer, EIA, SIA and model simulation for Sreepur 150 (+10%) MW Power Plant Project.
  • Feasibility Study for the Management of Karatoa River System and Rehabilitation of FCD Projects on Both Bank of Nagar River in Bogura District.
  • Comprehensive Feasibility Study for Sustainable Restoration and Protection of Wetlands (Haor, baor, beel and connected rivers etc.) in Different Hydrological Regions of Bangladesh.
  • Chattogram and Cox's Bazar District Irrigation Development Project Through Surface Water Utilization.
  • Feasibility Study for Sylhet Division Agricultural production enhancement through Surface Water Management and Utilization.
  • Feasibility Study for Augmentation, Conservation and Wise Use of Surface Water Resources through Dredging of the Upstream of Teesta Barrage and Bank.
  • Mathematical Modelling Study for Rehabilitation of Barisal Irrigation Project (BIP).
  • Study for Hydrological Investigation & Modelling of the State of Surface Water and Groundwater Resources in the High Barind Region.
  • Updating Feasibility Study for Kurigram Irrigation Project (North and South Unit).
  • Consultancy Services for Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Baseline Study of the State of Water Resources in the High Barind Region.