Profile of Md. Sadbir Rahman

Name | Md. Sadbir Rahman |
Division | Water Supply, Sanitation and Urban Water Management (WSU) |
Designation | Associate Specialist |
Phone | 55087611-4 Ext. 334 |
Mobile | | |
Academic Chronology
Mr. Sadbir Rahman graduated in Civil Engineering from Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET) in 2010. He obtained M. Sc. In Water Science Engineering in 2018, a joint degree from IHE, Delft, Netherlands; TU Dresden, Germany and IST, Lisbon, Portugal.
Professional Track Record
Mr. Sadbir Rahman has a professional career of more than 8 years in the field of Water Science & Environmental Engineering. He started his career at IWM in June 2011. Since then he has been involved in several projects related to Management of water utilities in urban and rural watersheds. He has experience in conducting urban flood studies, feasibility studies and formulating Master Plans.
His areas of specialization include hydrologic and hydraulic modelling related to analysis and design of utility systems such as drainage system, sewerage system and water supply system. Besides, he has expertise on development and application of groundwater models, water planning and management models, flood inundation and duration map preparation, quality checking and analysis of country scale rainfall dataset.
Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.
- Training on Report Writing, Proposal Writing and Presentation Skill (April 23 to May 05, 2019) by British Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Training on Introduction to QGIS for Hydrology (October 02 to 06, 2017) at IHE, Delft
- Impact2C Summer School-Regional Climate Change Impacts, Bergen, Norway (2014)
- Training on Hydrodynamic and Rainfall Runoff Module with MIKE 11 at IWM, Bangladesh (2014)
- Training on Advanced Arc-GIS at IWM, Bangladesh (2014)
- Training on Surface & Groundwater Quality: Monitoring & Analyses at IWM, Bangladesh (2014)
- Training on Eco LAB Modelling with MIKE 11 at IWM, Bangladesh (2013)
- Training on Basin Modelling using MIKE Basin at IWM, Bangladesh (2012)
- Training on Basic Arc-GIS at IWM, Bangladesh (2012)
- Training on Open Channel Hydraulics, Hydrology and Mathematical Modelling at BUET, Bangladesh (2011)
- Training on Community Participation and Management of Water Supply & Sanitation at RUET, Bangladesh (2010)
- Member, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
- Member, IHE-Delft Alumni
Conference papers:
- Rahman, S., Zaman, A.M, Parvin, I.A, and Rahman, S.M.M. (2015). Climate change impact on drainage system of Goranchatbari area and recommended adaptation measures; I3CWE-2015; pp 457-462.
Major Project Assignment
- Feasibility Study for Replacement/Construction of Sewage Collection Network in the Dasherkandi Catchment of Dhaka City
- Consulting Services for Feasibility Studies and Preparations of Conceptual Designs & Bidding Documents for DBO/DB Contracts for the Pagla Sewerage Catchment.
- Feasibility Study for Replacement/Reconstruction of Sewage Collection Network in the Old Dhaka Area
- Flood Modelling of Dhaka City-Part 2: Impact and Resilience of Storm water Drainage Investments of the Dhaka Water Supply and Sanitation Project (DWSSP)
- Feasibility Study of Surface Water Treatment Plant at Rajshahi WASA.
- Feasibility and SEIA Study for Land Acquisition & Development of 5 Khals of Dhaka City.
- Assessment of State of Water Resources in Bangladesh.
- Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka Area in a Changing Climate: Vulnerability, Adaptation.
- Sewerage Master Plan of Dhaka City