Profile of Tanmay Chaki

Name | Tanmay Chaki |
Division | Water Supply, Sanitation and Urban Water Management (WSU) |
Designation | Senior Specialist |
Phone | 55087611-4, Ext. 242 |
Mobile | 01712172305 | |
Academic Chronology
Mr. Chaki graduated in Civil Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) in 2003. He obtained his M. Sc Degree in Civil Engineering (Environmental) from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) in 2017. He also completed Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Uttara University in 2008.
Professional Track Record
Mr. Chaki is working at IWM since February 2005. He acquired knowledge and wide experience in planning, designing & implementation of urban water supply, sanitation and drainage management projects and handling of sophisticated equipment and software for data processing, model development, result analysis, GIS mapping, report writing and presentation. Since then, he has been involved in many pre-feasibility, feasibility, master plan, detailed design studies and construction supervision projects. He has technical expertise in hydrological analysis, hydraulic modelling with WaterGEMS software for water supply distribution network modelling, SewerGEMS software for sewer network modelling, MIKE URBAN for drainage modelling, MIKE 11 for surface water assessment. Moreover, he was involved in model development, calibration & verification of water supply distribution network, sewer network & drainage system modelling. He acquired a thorough understanding on physical processes in river systems and flood plains in Bangladesh. He also possesses sound knowledge on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).
Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.
Mr. Chaki has been extensively trained in mathematical modelling at home and abroad. He has attended a number of national and international seminars and conferences in country and aboard. He has several publications to his credit on mathematical modelling of urban water supply management, sewer network, urban drainage system improvement, groundwater resources assessment and other environment related issues. He is a member of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), associate member of Bangladesh Computer Society (BCS) and member of International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS).
Major Project Assignment
- Emergency Replacement of Existing 300 mm and Above Dia AC Water Line under MODS Zone-1, 2, 3 & 6 to Increase Water Supply of P(J)WTP from 25 Core to 45 Core Liter/day. (Client: DWASA)
- Construction of Internal Roads, Surface Drains and Footpath for Zone 01 to 05 of Gazipur City Corporation (Consultancy Services for Design Review and Construction Supervision). (Client: GCC)
- Design Supervision and Construction Supervision of Water Treatment Plant Including Intake and Raw & Treated Water Transmission Main and Distribution Networks. (Client: BEZA)
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Regional Environmental and Social Assessment (RESA) and Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for PRIDE Project, Package No. BEZA S-135. (Client: BEZA)
- Feasibility Study for Water Supply Transmission in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Shilpa Nagar from Proposed Mohara WTP (Phase II), Chattogram. (Client: CWASA)
- Preparation of Master Plan, Architectural Design, Detail Design, Drawings, BoQ, Tender Documentation and Construction Supervision of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University (BSMRMU) Permanent Campus at Chattogram. (Client: BSMRMU)
- Feasibility Study of Netrokona Economic Zone. (Client: BEZA)
- Feasibility Studies and Preparations of Conceptual Designs & Bidding Documents for DBO/DB Contracts (Package No.: S-2). (Client: DWASA)
- Feasibility and ESIA Study of Sewerage Collection System under Dasherkandi STP Catchment of Dhaka City. (Client: DWASA)
- Preparation of Master Plan & Feasibility Study for Short-term Measures in Ward No- 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 and 75 of Dhaka South City Corporation. (Client: DSCC)
- Procurement of Consultancy Service for Detail Design of Bridge Construction. (Client: DSCC)
- Preparation of Sewerage Master Plan with Detail Design of Priority Works Project for Sylhet City Corporation. (Client: SCC)
- Detail Design Preparation of Tender Documents Relocation of 400mm Water Transmission Pipeline from Bangla Motor to Nilkhet. (Client: Bangladesh Army)
- Feasibility Study and Planning, Designing & Cost Estimating for Construction and Improvement of Roads, Drainage and Footpath Infrastructure for Newly Included 18 (Eighteen) Wards to Dhaka North City Corporation. (Client: DNCC)
- Preparation of Action Plan for Control of Pollution of Peripheral Rivers of Dhaka City. (Client: DWASA)
- Feasibility Study with Detail Design for Surface Water Treatment Plant for Sylhet City Corporation. (Client: SCC)
- Feasibility and SEIA Study for Expansion of Drainage Networks and Development of Canals in Dhaka City. (Client: DWASA)
- Feasibility Study for Mitigation of Drainage Congestion and Water Logging in Sylhet Metropolitan Area including ESIA. (Client: BWDB)
- Technical Study of Flood Control and Drainage Development at Dhaka Circular Road (Dhaka Eastern Bypass) Project. (Client: BWDB)
- Feasibility Study for Surface Water Treatment Plant for Rajshahi WASA. (Client: RWASA)
- Feasibility Study for Saidabad Water Treatment Plant Phase III. (Client: DWASA)
- Design Review and Supervision of Well Field in Tetulzhora-Bhakurta Project. (Client: DWASA)
- Water Supply Master Plan for Dhaka City. (Client: DWASA)
- Mathematical Modelling for Safe Drinking Water Source Identification GWM & TPP for Survey, Investigations & Feasibility Study in 148 Municipalities having no Piped Water Supply. (Client: DPHE)
- Study on Artificial Recharge to Aquifer by Rainwater Harvesting from Building Rooftops in Dhaka City. (Client: DWASA)
- Consultancy Services for Water Quality & Industrial Pollution Monitoring System/Program Design, Feasibility & Engineering Studies of CETP. (Client: DWASA)
- Dhaka Water Supply Sector Development Project. (Client: ADB)
- Detail Survey, Design & Preparation of Master Plan on Water Supply & Sanitation issues using Mathematical Modelling Technique & Construction Supervision of Water Supply, Sanitation & Drainage in Sylhet & Barisal City. (Client: DPHE)
- Study on Well Field Construction for Immediate Supplement to City Water Supply for Nearby GW Sources. (Client: DWASA)
- Establishment of Groundwater Monitoring System in Dhaka City for Aquifer Systems and DWASA production wells. (Client: DWASA)
- Industrial Environmental Compliance & Pollution Control in Greater Dhaka - Phase I. (Client: WB)
- Dhaka Water Supply Project (ADB TA BAN-4651). (Client: ADB)
- Resource Assessment & Monitoring of Water Supply Sources for Dhaka City. (Client: DWASA)
- Development of a GIS based MIS for DWASA network analysis and system metering including zone demarcation. (Client: DWASA)