Profile of Mohammad Ziaur Rahman

Name | Mohammad Ziaur Rahman |
Division | Coast, Port and Inland Water Ways Management (CPI) |
Designation | Associate Specialist |
Phone | 55087611-4, Ext. 154 |
Mobile | | |
Academic Chronology
Mr. Mohammad Ziaur Rahman completed his graduation in Civil Engineering from BUET in April 2007 and later completed M.Sc. in Water Resources Engineering from the same university in February 2015.
Professional Track Record
Mr. Mohammad Ziaur Rahman has a professional career of 10 years in the field of water resources Engineering & Structural Engineering.As a Water Resource Engineer, he has developed his professional career in Institution of Water Modelling since November 2008. He is responsible for conducting pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, implementing and monitoring studies for flood management, river engineering, coastal engineering, navigation, inundation map for flooding, impact assessment of climate change etc. He is also responsible for developing 1-D, 2-D models (rainfall-runoff, hydrodynamic, morphological, salinity, drainage, storm surge and wave). Also in forecast of sedimentation and erosion of tidal rivers for short and medium term using mathematical modeling technique, land reclamation and selection appropriate locations for the cross-dam, determined design hydraulic parameters. He is capable of writing reports, making presentation and training to junior level engineers. He is also capable of project management both technical & financial-human resource control, budget control, time control, attending progress meeting, quality control, proposal preparation, contract preparation.
Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.
-Membership:The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (MIEB, 26013)
-Training/Workshop:- Training on MIKE 2D and 3D Hydrodynamic and Heat Dispersion Model Organized by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) held at IWM during 12 to 15 December, 2016
- Training on Morphological Modelling and Heat Dispersion Modelling using MIKE 3 Organized by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) held at IWM during 20 to 26 October, 2014
- Training on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) & Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Organized by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) held at IWM during 27 to 30 April, 2014;
- Training on on Reservoir Sedimentation and Hydropower Optimization Organized by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) held at IWM during 17 to 22 April, 2014;
- Training on Design of Hydraulic Structure Organized by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) held at IWM during 16 to 20 February, 2014;
- Basic Training on 3D Hydrodynamic & Salinity Modelling Organized by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) held at IWM during 10 to 12 February, 2013;
Training on Research Proposal Writing, Journal Paper Writing, Scientific Presentation and Plagiarism Detection Organized by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) held at IWM during 06 to 10 January, 2013;
- Training on Hydro-Climatic Disasters in Water Resource Management in Bangladesh 26-27 February, 2012;
- Training on Water Security & Climate Change during 20 to 22 September, 2011 in Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS);
- workshop on Storm Surge modeling using NK-SSM during 13 June to 17 June 2011 in AIT, Thailand by ADPC, in collaboration with NIPPON KOEI of Japan;
- Basic Training on Arc GIS; 7 March to 13 March 2011;
- Two Week Training in Salinity Modelling, February, 2010;
- Training on MIKE21FM Modelling, & MIKE 21C Morphological Modelling, Organized by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) held at IWM during 09th August-11th August 2009;
- Training on Oceanography: Principles and Applications, Organized by National Oceanographic and Maritime Institute (NOAMI) held at (NOAMI) 10/8 Eastern Plaza, Hatirpool, Dhaka during 08 April-18 June 2009.
-Publication in Conference/Workshop:
- Feasibility Study for Dredging of KhaprabhangaChapalir don River in Patuakhali District for Improvement of Navigability.M. Z. Rahman, S. Akhter, M. S. Islam and Z. H. Khan, IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719, Vol. 04, Issue 06 (June. 2014), ||VX|| PP 00-00,
- Land Reclamation in Char Islands of Bangladesh using Mathematical Modelling Tool: A Case Study on Char Mainka-Montaz Area.M. Z. Rahman, G. Mohiuddin and Z. H. Khan, Technical Journal, River Research Institute (RRI), Bangladesh, ISSN: 1606-9277, Vol. 12, No.01,1-14, June 2014.
- Sediment Budget of Meghna Estuary. M. Z. Rahman, M. N. A Beg and Z. H. Khan, Technical Journal, River Research Institute (RRI), Bangladesh, ISSN: 1606-9277, Vol.12, No.01,106-118, June 2014.
- Tidal River Management (TRM)-An Innovative Scientific Approach for Sustainable Sediment Management. M. Z. Rahman, M. S. Islam and Z. H. Khan, International Conference on Recent Innovation in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (IICSD-2015) Department of Civil Engineering, DUET-Gazipur, Bangladesh 11-13 December 2015.
- Land Reclamation Potentials in the Meghna Estuary. F. A. Kamal, M. M. Z. Ahmed, M. Z. Rahman and Z. H. Khan, 8th International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries Copedec 2012, IIT Madras, Chennai, India. 20-24 Feb.12.
- Investigation on Land Reclamation in Char Islands of Bangladesh using Mathematical Modelling Tool: A Case Study on Char Mainka and Montaz Area. M. Z. Rahman and G. Mohiuddin,ICETCESD March10-12, 2012, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Major Project Assignment
- Techno- Economic Feasibility Study for development of the land at Payra Port by dredging chars, shoals for Oil Refinery
- Techno- Economic Feasibility Study for development of the land at Moheshkhali Island by dredging chars, shoals for land based LNG terminal.
- Detailed Technical Feasibility Study for Integrated Development of Jahizzer Char.
- Training on Hydrodynamic, Spectral Wave, Sand Transport & Mud Transport Model by using Mike21 Software
- Transaction Advisory Services for Construction of Laldia Bulk Terminal-Bangladesh.
- Carryout Morphological Study, design & Supervision and EIA/SIA of the Twelve Navigation Routes.
- Mathematical Morphological Modelling and Investigation in connection with the Sustainable River Management Plan for Main Rivers, Distributaries and Tributaries in Bangladesh.
- Feasibility Study for Drainage Improvement of Polder 1, 2, 6-8 & 6-8 (Ext.) by Mathematical Modeling under the Satkhira District.
- Updating of Hydrodynamic & Morphological Models to Investigate Land Accretion & Erosion in the Estuary Development Program (EDP).
- Ashulia Reservoir Study DWASA.
- Coastal Hydraulic and Morphological Study for protection of Marine Drive Road.
- Techno-Economic Feasibility and Environmental Study for the Development of Sea Port at Rabnabad Channel in the Patuakhali District.
- Strengthening the Resilience of the Water Sector in Khulna to climate Change.
- Feasibility Study for Dredging (by dredger) of KhaprabhangaChapalir Don River (Mohipur Channel) in the KalaparaUpazilla under Patuakhali district for Improvement of Navigability.
- Support to FFWC for CCA and DRR-Danida.
- Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Study, Vulnerability Mapping- Bangladesh Case Study.
- Identify Tsunami VulnerableSchool/Hospital/Emergency Response and Control Buildings in the Coastal Region and Evaluate Adaptation Capacity to Tsunami Events.
- Coastal hydraulic and morphological study on Labuan Island, Malaysia.
- Malaysian Sungai Langat Navigation Hydraulics Study.
- Additional Drainage Study of BaggardonaRiver Catchment Area.
- Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering design for Long-term solution of Drainage Problems in the Bhabodah Area under GOB Financing.
- Feasibility Study for Sustainable Drainage and Flood management of Kobadak River Basin under Jessore and Satkhira District.